Mohamad Musman was born 7 March 1961 in Lampung Province, Indonesia.
Since childhood 12 years old, he’s interested to read books philosophy and world history. He graduated electrical engineering ITB Bandung, 1986, Indonesia.
He wrote energy research book “Indonesia Reform, what’s the matter?” Now in he’s 60 years old, he is still a field worker as an electrical engineer.
Earth is still the only one found in the Universe, humans have not been able to escape to other planets, no free oxygen on the planet Mars, humans are still far from looking for life on planets outside the solar system, even 100K years of space travel is impossible if we measure the age of the emerging civilization of just 6000 years while universe of 13.8 billion years. So democracy freedom utopia has natural limits of statistical humans intelligences and environment. Poorly, it is tricked as infiltration tools by greedy imperialism to destroy other countries with sanctions and wars. So the conclusion by natural law, civilized socialism is the end goal of one Earth civilization.
Since humans discovered how to make an atomic bomb in 1945 that could destroy life on Earth, this invention was soon used for the mass killings of humans in Hiroshima-Nagasaki in 1945. Since then, the nuclear arms race began. The rivalry of civilizations that kill each other has actually been predicted by religions since stone age. The story of Jewish religion about the sons of Adam of Cain (Qabil) and Abel (Habil) who killed each other, that's an accurate description of humans who ultimately destroy each other until the Miracle of the Soul of God comes to save mankind souls itself, but surely the Day After comes soon with Universe BIG RIP, and it is hard to accept by scientific.
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Phone: +62 852 8807 1001
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